Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Woes and Remedies of the Homeschool Mom

"I don't really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don't do it. Instead, I do what I hate."
Romans 7:15 NLT

This verse in Romans has spoken to many a soul.
But I feel like it is lived out on a daily basis in my home as a homeschool mom.
I want to do what is right:
  • start on time
  • have the house straightened up before we start on time 
  • have my child understand it all the first time
  • have a good attitude 
  • do half as well as we did yesterday
  • have checks next to everything on my list

Instead, I do what I hate:
  • start late with the house not straightened up
  • compare myself to others
  • speak in angersigh deeply if I have to repeat myself
  • fake smile while I explain the laws of homeschooling for the hundredth time to a cashier
And etc.

 I must confess that my frustrations have been written long ago, in James ch. 4.
"What causes fights and quarrels among you?
Don't they come from your desires that battle within you?……..
You do not have because you do not ask God.
When you ask, you do not receive,
 because you ask with wrong motives,
 that you may spend what you get on your own pleasures."
(Deep sigh.)
I have had the desires battle within me.
I have forgotten at times to ask God to help.
And some of those times, I have asked with the wrong motives…

Jumping a bit further…..
"Now listen, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city,
 spend a year there, carry on business and make money.'
Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow."
"Instead, you ought to say 'If it is the Lord's will,
we will live and do this or that."

Perhaps I should say…
"If it is the Lord's will we will finish 5 subjects on time in a neat house today."

A few years ago,
a brilliant woman organized an event that took place in a Florida living room.
 Veteran homeschool moms speaking to young homeschool moms.
It was music, nurture, and therapy to our unsure souls.
 From the ones who have done it……… and finished!
 Kids in college!!
Funny though, very little was mentioned about grades, scores, and who was done first.
Here are the notes I took:

Mrs. S.
don't shove a square peg in a round hole
find strengths and cultivate
its Ok to go back and do it again
don't be mad at them
character can sometimes make up for lack of strength
God created children, some super gifted, others not
don't belittle
long road and sacrifice
create a thankful home
Don't think you can't do it
accept your kids as they are
Mrs. C
Every child is called to do something different
every family is different
point your child's heart towards God
Keep loving the Lord
Can't save your kids, teach, seek, pray
Do it all with a heart for the Lord

Another but different Mrs. C
God's mercy covers the things you do wrong
teach your kids to respect their father
you will fail more than you succeed
teach kids how to research
allow and create a love for learning
with academics, everything is related
read, read, read
get out a book
find out what kids in the 1800's knew
knowledge puffs up
pray for a discerning spirit
show truth and show fallacy
show God's way, and show man's way

Mrs. S
you are the one doing most of the learning
character development is most with you
some kids need a tool belt
let child use the skill set the way God has designed them
one season curriculum works, another it doesn't
be able to let go, you can change!
they will be good at some things and not so good at others
find out if they retain the knowledge
if not, learn again, its OK
trust in God's providence
be a student of your child
don't quit, take a half day away, it does the trick

Home made remedies.
To help cure the maladies.

Thanks for reading!
I hope to write again, Lord willing ;)


  1. Thank you for these reminders. Even though I feel like I've been homeschooling forever, I still deal with these same issues, especially the state of my house. It will get clean when they're all grown and gone, right? Meanwhile, we live here and it shows! Grace to you as you strive to invest in what really matters!

    1. Thank you Jenni, your kind words are gifts, like shiny wrapped gifts!!
